
Summary:ASTERISK-27783: res_pjsip_pubsub: apparent crash on shutdown
Reporter:Kevin Harwell (kharwell)Labels:pjsip
Date Opened:2018-03-29 15:44:46Date Closed:2018-07-03 08:33:43
Versions:13.20.0 15.3.0 Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) asterisk_event_devicestate.tar.gz
( 1) backtrace_3678.txt
Description:Jenkins reported a crash in res_pjsip_pubsub when running the following testsuite test against Asterisk 15 ([464|https://jenkins2.asterisk.org/job/gate-ast-15-pjsip/464/]):
Running ['./lib/python/asterisk/test_runner.py', 'tests/channels/pjsip/publish/asterisk_event_devicestate'] ...
[Mar 29 14:05:20] WARNING[11434]: asterisk:244 errReceived: Asterisk received error: FRACK!, Failed assertion bad magic number 0x0 for object 0xa1d7444 (0) at line 3275 in pubsub_on_rx_publish_request of res_pjsip_pubsub.c

Core dumps detected; failing test
It appears it is happening during shutdown.
Comments:By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2018-07-03 08:33:43.855-0500

Change 9319 merged by Jenkins2:
res_pjsip_pubsub: Hold module reference for publications.


By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2018-07-03 08:35:03.685-0500

Change 9318 merged by Jenkins2:
res_pjsip_pubsub: Hold module reference for publications.


By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2018-07-03 08:41:54.466-0500

Change 9320 merged by Jenkins2:
res_pjsip_pubsub: Hold module reference for publications.
