
Summary:ASTERISK-28105: AstriCon Feedback: Allow multiple connections for the same Stasis application
Reporter:George Joseph (gjoseph)Labels:
Date Opened:2018-10-15 07:08:31Date Closed:
Versions:13.23.1 GIT 16.0.0 Frequency of
Description:This came up multiple times...  Allowing multiple event GET connections with the same application would allow users to eliminate the need for an external "ari proxy".  Needs some thought on how Asterisk would distribute events, Round Robin, LRU, etc.
Comments:By: Corey Farrell (coreyfarrell) 2018-10-16 08:38:54.182-0500

I would say add 'broadcast' to the event distribution options, this would enable having a hot spare of the ARI application.  It would then be the ARI application's responsibility to decide which instance was active and which one was just monitoring state.

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2018-10-16 08:44:30.390-0500

[~coreyfarrell] I think people want to push as much of that hard work into Asterisk so they don't have to do it (they don't want to run an ari proxy as it is - which handles some load balancing stuff and such). We'd need to discuss and come to some kind of consensus for something that people would actually use.