
Summary:ASTERISK-28116: stasis: Investigate automatic disabling of message creation
Reporter:Joshua C. Colp (jcolp)Labels:
Date Opened:2018-10-18 08:12:07Date Closed:
Versions:16.0.0 Frequency of
Description:Right now even if no subscriber is interested in a message type we will still create the underlying messages and attempt to publish them on Stasis topics. This issue is for investigating whether we can make this smarter.

Filtering support helps us get more usage information in the system, but there are still at least two consumers which want "everything": AMI and ARI. These two want messages they can invoke to_ami and to_json on respectively. Filtering could be improved to have a filter for these cases, so only messages implementing them go through to AMI and ARI but this still results in the messages being created.

One option is to require them to specify what message types they actually want, and only do this when at least one consumer is connected. Their usage could even dictate what message types they're interested in. This is complicated though - as it would need to be updated each time we add a message type.

I think a compromise could be to do the filtering change, and leverage this in message creation as well. "If anyone is filtering for message types that have a to_ami OR they are explicitly interested" then allow it to be created. Same goes for to_json.
Comments:By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2018-10-18 11:44:47.603-0500

Another approach may be to leverage the filters and the rest, and add the ability to create messages for publishing on a specific topic - as the topic can be aware of what the subscribers are actually interested in, so if noone will consume the message then don't bother creating it.