
Summary:ASTERISK-28215: app_voicemail: Leaving voicemail sometimes doesn't trigger NOTIFYs
Reporter:George Joseph (gjoseph)Labels:pjsip
Date Opened:2018-12-18 10:15:59.000-0600Date Closed:2018-12-19 05:07:17.000-0600
Versions:13.24.0 16.1.0 Frequency of
is a clone ofASTERISK-28259 CLONE - app_voicemail: Leaving voicemail sometimes doesn't trigger NOTIFYs
Environment:Fast systemAttachments:
Description:Sometimes, after leaving voicemail for an extension MWI NOTIFYies aren't being sent.  It looks like a race condition in "leave_voicemail" where on cleanup we delete the mailbox state, possibly before the stasis message has been handled by res_pjsip_mwi.
Comments:By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2018-12-19 05:07:18.670-0600

Change 10820 merged by Friendly Automation:
app_voicemail:  Don't delete mailbox state unless mailbox is deleted


By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2018-12-19 05:09:13.801-0600

Change 10821 merged by Friendly Automation:
app_voicemail:  Don't delete mailbox state unless mailbox is deleted


By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2018-12-19 05:15:29.552-0600

Change 10819 merged by Joshua C. Colp:
app_voicemail:  Don't delete mailbox state unless mailbox is deleted
