
Summary:ASTERISK-28795: channel: write to a stream on multi-frame writes
Reporter:Kevin Harwell (kharwell)Labels:
Date Opened:2020-03-31 12:14:27Date Closed:2020-04-02 12:06:27
Versions:13.32.0 GIT 16.9.0 17.3.0 Frequency of
Description:If a frame handling routine returns a list of frames (vs. a single frame) those frames are never passed to a tech's write_stream handler even if one is available.

For something like a codec this has the potential to cause bad audio.
Comments:By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2020-04-02 12:06:28.434-0500

Change 14035 merged by Friendly Automation:
channel: write to a stream on multi-frame writes


By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2020-04-02 12:06:32.911-0500

Change 14067 merged by Friendly Automation:
channel: write to a stream on multi-frame writes


By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2020-04-02 12:09:13.619-0500

Change 14066 merged by Kevin Harwell:
channel: write to a stream on multi-frame writes


By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2020-04-02 12:39:06.797-0500

Change 14069 merged by Friendly Automation:
channel: write to a stream on multi-frame writes


By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2020-04-02 12:55:38.799-0500

Change 14068 merged by Friendly Automation:
channel: write to a stream on multi-frame writes
