
Summary:ASTERISK-29746: tcptls.c: TCP client connect fails due to interrupt
Reporter:Kevin Harwell (kharwell)Labels:
Date Opened:2021-11-15 16:06:41.000-0600Date Closed:2022-01-05 09:40:53.000-0600
Versions:GIT Frequency of
Description:The TCP client connect does not handle the interrupt case (EINTR), thus can easily fail to connect when there is no real connection error.

Also the underlying iostream is set to not wait/poll on reads, thus similarly reading can inadvertently fail.
Comments:By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2022-01-05 09:40:54.703-0600

Change 17722 merged by Friendly Automation:
tcptls.c: refactor client connection to be more robust


By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2022-01-05 09:41:24.603-0600

Change 17720 merged by Joshua Colp:
tcptls.c: refactor client connection to be more robust


By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2022-01-05 09:41:37.095-0600

Change 17721 merged by Joshua Colp:
tcptls.c: refactor client connection to be more robust


By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2022-01-05 09:49:01.081-0600

Change 17472 merged by George Joseph:
tcptls.c: refactor client connection to be more robust
