
Summary:ASTERISK-30190: res_geolocation: GEOLOC_PROFILE isn't returning correct values on incoming channel
Reporter:George Joseph (gjoseph)Labels:
Date Opened:2022-08-24 08:50:24Date Closed:2022-09-10 12:53:39
Versions:16.28.0 18.14.0 19.6.0 Frequency of
[I think there may be a bug in 18.14.0 \$\{GEOLOC_PROFILE(profile_precedence)\}, seems to always return prefer_incoming|http://lists.digium.com/pipermail/asterisk-users/2022-August/296626.html] from Dan Cropp on the asterisk-users mailing list.
Comments:By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2022-09-10 12:53:40.118-0500

Change 19193 merged by Friendly Automation:
res_geolocation: Add two new options to GEOLOC_PROFILE


By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2022-09-10 12:53:48.132-0500

Change 19198 merged by Friendly Automation:
res_geolocation: Add two new options to GEOLOC_PROFILE


By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2022-09-10 12:54:00.995-0500

Change 19185 merged by Friendly Automation:
res_geolocation: Add two new options to GEOLOC_PROFILE


By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2022-09-10 12:54:21.817-0500

Change 18989 merged by Friendly Automation:
res_geolocation: Add two new options to GEOLOC_PROFILE


By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2022-09-10 12:54:35.680-0500

Change 19189 merged by Friendly Automation:
res_geolocation: Add two new options to GEOLOC_PROFILE


By: Friendly Automation (friendly-automation) 2022-09-10 12:54:50.875-0500

Change 19181 merged by Friendly Automation:
res_geolocation: Add two new options to GEOLOC_PROFILE
